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To the Belle Sherman After School Program
Empowering and enriching, the Belle Sherman After School Program offers a nurturing space for Belle Sherman Elementary students to grow socially, creatively, and physically through structured outdoor play, engaging activities, and educational support, all within a diverse and inclusive environment.
The Belle Sherman After School Program
Providing safe, responsible care for children enrolled in the Belle Sherman Elementary School.

The Belle Sherman After School Program (BSASP) is a New York State-licensed child care program that is sanctioned by the Ithaca City School District.
BSASP provides children with the opportunity to develop friendships and social skills, exercise daily through free play and organized games, spend time outdoors each day, and explore their interests through reading, art, and games.
The BSASP does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, gender identity, religion, creed, or national or ethnic origin.

Download the Parent Handbook
Enrollment, operation days, fees, activities offered, and health and safety protocols
Belle Sherman School
501 Mitchell Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
P.O. Box 3911
Ithaca, NY 14852
(607) 273-1297