Our Mission
Our mission is to create a caring, stimulating, semi-structured environment where children in Kindergarten through 5th grades can safely spend their after school hours. Belle Sherman Elementary School’s unique two-building structure allows our program to organize children in the after school program into two broad groups (K-1st graders & 2nd-5th graders), thereby allowing us to tailor activities and developmental goals more narrowly and providing our youngest students with the opportunity to build confidence.

Our goals are:
- To create an environment that supports creativity, physical activity, emotional well-being, and the development of strong social ties to peers
- To follow the same overarching routine each day to help children feel secure and confident
- Within this routine, to afford children the opportunity to make some choices about how they spend their after school time, thereby encouraging autonomy and independence.
- To support cooperation and respect for others
- To help children develop a sense of responsibility
- To give children an opportunity to spend time outside everyday through organized games or free play
- To provide children with quiet time to rest, recharge, and read
- To provide calm spaces for children to enjoy
- For children to have fun!
Typical Day

The Kindergarten and 1st grade children are based at the Belle Sherman Annex and the 2nd-5th grade children are based at the main Belle Sherman building. The 2nd-5th grade students are typically grouped by grade and take turns going outside or doing quiet time first.
2pm-3pm: Outdoor play
The Belle Sherman campus has two playgrounds, one at the Annex and one at the main building. Children at the Annex can use the playground, basketball court, or grassy areas behind the building during outdoor time, which includes a great sledding hill for snowy days. Children at the main building have access to a large outdoor play area that includes a playground, soccer goals, kickball area, basketball hoops, gaga pit, and courtyard with benches.
3pm-4pm: Quiet time and snack
The Kindergarten and 1st grade children listen to stories during quiet time, while the 2nd-5th graders read independently or complete homework.
We follow New York State Child and Adult Care Food Programs snack regulations. Children are offered 1% or skim milk, and a vegetable or fruit at a minimum. Snack will almost always also include something more substantial, such as granola bars, pretzels and hummus, or cheese and crackers. A more complete list of snacks can be found in the parent handbook.
4pm-5pm: Choice time
Each day a staff member at each building runs an activity, such as an art or science project, or teaching children a game. Children can choose to participate in the activity or free play inside or outside.
5pm-5:30pm: Outdoor play and pack-up
ProCare App

BSASP uses the ProCare app for sign-in and sign-out each day, as well as to manage tuition payments. Once your child is enrolled in the program, you will receive instructions about how to create an account and use the app.
Supplemental Care
The Supplemental program is open to students already enrolled full time in the After School program. By entering this program you will pay an additional monthly fee with your After School tuition. Children must be escorted to the program by their parents and signed-in. It is based in the cafeteria of the main building. The program provides an afternoon snack during supplemental days, but lunch is not provided. Children will need to bring lunch on supplemental days.
The Supplemental program allows us to take advantage of our community’s rich resources for education and entertainment through field trips and special presentations. A typical supplemental day schedule is provided below, though more specific full-day agendas are announced about a week in advance.
8am-9am: Quiet table games
As children arrive in the morning, there are a variety of games and activities available for individual or group play, such as cards, legos, and board games.
9am-11am: Rotating activities
The children are informed of their options for the next section of time and may choose to take part in the organized activities, or have free play with their friends. There are typically 2-3 organized activities to choose from during this time.
11am-11:30am: Clean up and play outside
We clean up the morning projects as a group and head outside for half an hour before lunch.
11:30am-12pm: Lunch
Kids sit and talk while eating a lunch that they bring from home.
12pm-12:30pm: Quiet time
After lunch, we transition to a quiet 30 minute period where kids may read, draw, or play very quiet games.
12:30-1pm: Outside play
1:00pm-5:00pm: Choice time, projects, and special events
On most full days we either bring in a guest (such as a magician, wildlife expert, or STEM program) or go on a local field trip (for example, ice skating, nature walk, or local movie theater).
During week long school breaks, we often go on a regional field trip that takes up most of the day (for example, to the Museum of Science and Technology in Syracuse, NY).